How to prevent running aches, pains and injuries.
By taking a day or two off, at the first sign of an injury, you can avoid two to three weeks, or months, off later. Most injuries come from going too fast on long training sessions and not taking breaks.
Like everyone, I have weak knees. This is due to unique bio- mechanics of our bodies, repeated pattern of motion, which will tend to aggravate specific sites. When we exercise too many days per week or increase intensity or mileage too rapidly, these sites are usually the first to be aggravated.
An injury can range from inflammation, loss of function, and extended pain. Its important to identify the types of injury for the proper treatment. By seeking a doctor who knows running and walking will result in getting good diagnosis and speed the treatment. Stop activity that is contributing to the source of irritation for a couple of days will also aid in the healing process. Ice massage to the injured site for 15 minutes will usually help as well. Foam roller is also very effective in deep tissue massage and speed up the healing of muscle injuries. Compression will help to restrain further inflammation. Wrapping a sprained ankle soon after injury will reduce the inflammation. Elevation on a pillow or two can help to reduce inflammation.
This is all very true, that's why it is very important to do a warm jog and cool down before and after each run and that you stretch each muscle group for at least 15 seconds.